About the Journal

The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ) is an open-access journal devoted to publishing outstanding scholarly research in all aspects of application biology and biomedical sciences with a publication policy that cartels selection for the vast interest and significance with a devotion to serving authors.

TABCJ offers quick and precise evaluation and constant correspondence on the advances of the manuscript. Our editorial team, upon submitting the manuscript, works with an eminent editorial board of experts from around the globe and selected reviewers to guarantee high quality and a productive editorial and peer-reviewing process. TABCJ publishes four issues in a volume per year.

Focus & Scope

The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, open-access online international scientific journal. TABCJ publishes original cutting-edge research papers, avant-garde review articles, short communications, mini-reviews, and perspectives of theoretical, experimental, or computational aspects in all areas of the biological, biomedical, and applied chemical sciences; advanced techniques and novel methods with applications pertinent to studying, analyzing and understanding various biological problems.

The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal publishes original research papers and reviews on all aspects of applied biology and biomedical science. TABCJ offers a medium for research work focused on a multi-dimensional approach to finding solutions to global problems including crop yield, alternative non-carbon fuel, anti-microbial resistance to pathogens, alternative medicine, community health, and waste management, which have significant influences in the developing world and newly industrialized countries. The journal primarily reports on developments for and from emerging areas, emphasizing the role of application biology and chemistry.

Benefits of publishing with The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ)

  • Maximum visibility: All the content published in The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ) is open-access, without subscription charges and registration. Articles published in TABCJ are available for a broad, global audience on its website with article-level metrics and promoted via social media.
  • Rapid publication: The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ) offers rapid publication whilst maintaining a rigorous double-blind peer-reviewing system managed fully electronically; all articles are distributed as a blinded PDF form to the reviewers.
  • Convenient submission: To facilitate the submission process more conveniently for the authors, The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ) provides complete guidance, from manuscript preparation to submission, available within the manuscript guidelines.
  • Transferable peer-reviewed submissionsThe Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ) encourages the authors to submit manuscripts with reviews from other journals. TABCJ is open to considering such manuscripts to reduce the time spent on serial submissions and improve peer review efficiency. Authors wishing to submit transferable peer-reviewed manuscripts to TABCJ should email us at editor@theabcjournal.com to enquire about the eligibility of the manuscript.
  • Pre-print server transfers: The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ) welcomes the submission of manuscripts that have been or will be, submitted on a pre-print server. Authors of the manuscripts on the preprint servers can also submit their manuscripts; authors can email us the direct link of the manuscript at editor@theabcjournal.com including a cover letter explaining the importance, suitability, and potential interest to the readership of TABCJ. If the manuscript is found suitable for TABCJ by the editorial board then the manuscript will be directed to the submission process.
  • The author holds the copyright: The authors of the articles published in The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal (TABCJ) retain the copyright of the articles under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Specifics About the Submission and Publication Procedures

- Publishes original findings on all aspects of applied biology and chemistry

- No additional page charges

- No extra fees for online color images

- Open Access publication

- Authors hold the copyright of their articles under CC BY-NC 4.0 (Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International)

- Nominal article processing fees, levied after acceptance of the article for publication

Average manuscript life cycle at The Applied Biology & Chemistry Journal:

  • Preliminary screening of the manuscript: 2 days
  • Rejection without Review: 2 days
  • Peer-review process: 21 days
  • Average time for the manuscript to appear online: 45-60 days